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Zoe Moeller
Zoe Moeller

Zoe Moeller, Dance

"Zoe is an exceptional student, athlete, and teammate. Her dedication and leadership is admirable. As a senior she is always leading by example and fulfilling her leadership role as spirit and social coordinator on the Emerald Girls dance team. I look forward to seeing her continue her passion of dance into her collegiate endeavors. Zoe will be greatly missed as she has been such a huge part of the dance program."

—Head SCHS Dance Coach, Kayla Warner

The Scoop:
What is your favorite food?  Fried Rice
What is your favorite movie?  Back to the Future
Who are the top 3 artists on your music playlists?  Taylor Swift, Lana Del Rey, and Harry Styles
Do you have any pre-game/match/meet rituals?  Getting ready together and blasting music.
What is your favorite class?  Christian Leadership
What are your plans after you graduate?  I plan to study environmental studies and contine to dance. 
What are you most proud of?  Keeping up with my busy schedule
Tell us something about yourself that most people don’t know.  I love the outdoors and enjoy taking long walks.
What is your favorite SCHS Memory? Biology with Mr. Stratton

-Science Olympiad
-UNICEF secretary
-NHS service chair
-National English Honor Society