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Leah Zolfaghari, Volleyball

Leah Zolfaghari, Volleyball

 "Leah is hands down one of the most coachable athletes that I’ve worked with. She always has a great attitude and is welcoming to all around her. She played a major role in our offense as a junior and stepped into tough offensive position this year as a senior. She led our team in blocks and was a great leader on and off the floor. We are sad to see Leah leave our program this year but so excited to see what her future holds!"

—Head SCHS Volleyball Coach, Sydney Wheeler

The Scoop:
What is your favorite food?  Mexican
What is your favorite movie?  Remember the Titans
Who are the top 3 artists on your music playlists?  One Direction, The Lumineers, Fleetwood Mac
Do you have any pre-game/match/meet rituals?  Get a white Monster and listen to really loud music with my friends.
What is your favorite class?  Study Hall
What are your plans after you graduate?  Go to college
What are you most proud of?  Graduating high school with all A's.
Tell us something about yourself that most people don’t know.  I can only do homework if I'm listening to music.
What is your favorite SCHS Memory? Going to state for volleyball in 2020