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Jackson McDaniel
Jackson McDaniel

Jackson McDaniel, Basketball

"Jackson has been an outstanding leader on and off the court for our Basketball team. He has shown real maturity and leadership for his Varsity teammates, but probably more importantly for our younger players. Always positive and encouraging. He speaks to his coaches and teammates with respect. He represents Catholic High School with a tremendous amount of pride. Coaching him is a real pleasure."

—Head SCHS Basketball Coach, Jay Osborne

The Scoop:
What is your favorite food?  Steak
What is your favorite movie?  The Martian
Who are the top 3 artists on your music playlists?  Drake, Lil Uzi, and Khalid
Do you have any pre-game/match/meet rituals?  Stretch while listening to music
What is your favorite class?  Anatomy with Mr. Stratton
What are your plans after you graduate?  Plan to go to Missouri State for four years, then continue on to medical school after that
What are you most proud of?  The example I have set for my younger brother and sister
Tell us something about yourself that most people don’t know.  I drink a cup of coffee every morning before school
What is your favorite SCHS Memory?  Playing in the Bass Pro Tournament of Champions and making it to state during my junior year basketball season.

Academic Honor Roll
Member of National Honor Society