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Gage Vehr
Gage Vehr

Gage Vehr, Soccer

"Gage was a dynamic playmaker and goal scorer for our team, but it was his leadership that was the biggest asset. He was able to hold the players accountable for their play on the field. We had team success because he was the perfect combination of a great leader and even better team player. We are very hopeful he continues his athletic and academic career at a great school."

—Head SCHS Soccer Coach, Tom Davidson

The Scoop:
What is your favorite food?  Pizza
What is your favorite movie?  Deadpool 2
Who are the top 3 artists on your music playlists?  Drake, J Cole, Kendrick Lamar
Do you have any pre-game/match/meet rituals?  Prayer
What is your favorite class?  Individual & Dual Sports
What are your plans after you graduate?  Play college soccer
What are you most proud of?  My achievements this year
Tell us something about yourself that most people don’t know.  I have played soccer for 15 years.
What is your favorite SCHS Memory?  Spending time with my teammates during team bonding.