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Catholic hosts first track meet in over three years

Catholic hosts first track meet in over three years

The Irish kicked off the track season on a beautiful Friday. This event was the first meet on the new surface and the first hosted meet at Springfield Catholic in over 3 years.

The results are below....

MTV=Mt. Vernon
SPA=SPASC=Springfield Catholic


LJ 1) Heisner MTV 16-0 2) Myers MTV 15-2 3) Stokes MTV 15-1 4) Walker SC 14-11 5) Smithson WIL 13-5
TJ 1) Heisner MTV 35-1 2) Walker SC 26-111/2 3) Eldridge MTV 29-11 4) Vaughan MTV 29-7 5) Flores WIL 26-9
HJ 1) Ray MTV 4-4 2) Doucey GAL 4-2 3) Bushman MTV 4-0 4) Shuster MTV 3-10
PV 1) Bolin WIL 10-6 2) Flores WIL 8-0
Shot 1) Burson WIL 38-1 2) Mc Shane WIL 31-8 3) Williams MTV 31-2 4) Bell SPK 30-2 5) Davis WIL 27-11
Disc 1) Burson WIL 120-4 2) McShane-WIL 102-4 3) Hamtil SC 88-1 4) Davis WIL 84-2 5) Bell SPK 81-7
Jav 1) Hyatt SPA 100-2 2) Rapp SC 92-8 3) Williams MTV 82-6 4) Bond SC 73-11 5) Bell SPK 68-10
4X800 1) Sparta 11:59 2) Galena 12:57
100 H 1) Heisner MTV 14.84 2) Vaughn MTV 16.78 3) Hopper SPK 18.00 4) Swaters SC 18.03 5) Walker SC 18.34
100 1) Maggard WIL 12.97 2) Fudge MTV 13.28 3) Smithson WIL 13.84 4) Wetter SPK 13.87 5) Pham MTV 13.91
4X200 1) Mt. Vernon 1:54.07 2) Spokane 1:57.00 3) Galena 2:24.03
1600 1) Rains SPA 6:50.28 2) Hudson SPA 6:52.53 3) Wiggins SPA 6:58.38 4) Clouser SPK 7:34.47
4X100 1) Mt. Vernon 52.85 2) Spokane 54.50 3) Willard 54.63 4) Sparta 1:00.34 5) Galena 1:03.53
400 1) Crouch MTV 1:14.97 2) Holstein SPA 1:16.22 3) Elrod MTV 1:16.25 4) Wiley SPA 1:19.60 5) Howard GAL 1:22.38
300 H 1) Czachowski SPK 52.00 2) Vaughn MTV 53.09 3) Swaters SC 55.03 Hopper SPK 56.56 5) Walker SC 57.72
800 1) Shuster Mt 3:02.53 2) Hudson SPA 3:07.93 3) Galaviz WIL 3:08.31 4) Hensley WIL 3:09.06 5) Holstein SPA 3:12.25
200 1) Hunsucker SPK 28.20 2) Rycraft MTV 29.25 3) Wetter SPK 29.72 4) Caldarelli WIL 29.84 5) Eldridge MTV 30.34
3200 1) Clouser SPK 17:18.53
4X400 1) Mt. Vernon 4:56.19 2) Galena 5:31.44


LJ 1) Manzardo SC 19-8 2) Drieling SPK 19-2 3) Fish MTV 18-11 4) Johnson SC 18-8 5) Fuchs WIL 18-1
TJ 1) Johnson SC 39-7 2) Fish MTV 38-5 3) Bray SPK 37-8 4) Decker SPK 36-7 5) Drielong SPK 36-5
HJ 1) Sherer GAL 5-8 2) Axley SPK 5-8 3) Morrison SC 5-6 4) Henry 5-4 5) Irland SPK 5-0
PV 1) Mc Guyan WIL 11-0 2) Johnson 8-0 3) Ung SC 7-0
Shot 1) Swadley WIL 45-5 2) Schmidt MTV 38-9 3) Braun MTV 37-8 4) Wright SPK 37-7 5) Bray MTV 37-2
DISC 1) Swadley WIL 133-9 2) Squibb SC 130-5 3) Baker WIL 109-4 4) Mueller WIL 101-10 5) Bray MTV 96-11
Jav 1) Sherer GAL 146-4 2) Squibb SC 143-7 3) Mueller WIL 121-1 4) Prenger SC 112-0 5) Ballard SPK 103-8
4X800 1) Spokane 8:53 2) Catholic 9:27 3) Willard 10:18 4) Sparta 10:32
110 H 1) Riley SC 15.34 2) Cordray MTV 17.31 3) Bray SPK 17.44 4) Schmittling SC 17.75 5) Boster SC 17.98
100 1) Gebhard SC 11.16 2) Day MTV 11.60 3) Delk MTV 11.88 4) Baguio SC 11.94 5) Fox WIL 12.00
4X200 1) Catholic 1:37.75 2) Spokane 1:41.69
1600 1) Shuman SPK 4:51.61 2) Stewart SPK 4:55.66 3) Mancuso SC 4:57.93 4) DelVecchio SC 4:59.19 5) Bray SPK 5:06.72
4X100 1) Catholic 46.65 2) Spokane 48.34 3) Sparta 52.50
400 1) Eddings SPK 54.62 2) Squibb SC 56.37 3) Reed MTV 56.94 4) Clarke GAL 59.34 5) Luu SC 1:01.28
300H 1) Riley SC 40.22 2) Schmittling SC 44.32 3) Bray SPK 45.31 4) Sherer GAL 46.10 5) Axley SPK 46.84
800 1) Vaughn MTV 2:09.93 2) Pendleton SC 2:12.78 3) Mansker SC 2:14.38 4) Herbert MTV 2:14.99 5) Coberly SPK 2:22.56
200 1) Baguio SC 24.56 2) Eddings SPK 24.81 3) Fuchs WIL 24.91 Moore MTV 25.19 5) Ung SC 25.25
3200 1) Shuman SPK 10:43.28 2) Stewart SPK 10:55.37 3) Gaddis MTV 11:39.93 4) Stevens SPK 5) Carroll SC 13:39.29
4X400 1) Catholic 3:42.88 2) Mt. Vernon 3:44.09 3) Spokane 3:55.25 4) Willard 4:20.37